Teaching & Learning Committee

Learning together and worshipping together

Chair of Committee: Carolyn Wort

Terms of Reference


The committee shall consist of not less than five governors.

Membership should include the Executive Headteacher or a member of the Senior Management Team (SMT) with the responsibility for the curriculum


The committee may make recommendations to the governing body for co-option of non-governor members and advise whether or not such members should be given a vote.


Three governors including the Executive Headteacher or SMT member and a governor who is not an employee of the school.


At least once per term and more frequently if deemed necessary by the majority of members.


Non-employee to be elected by the committee.  The committee shall also elect a clerk.


The committee will report back to the governing body by submitting minutes which record decisions made, actions to be taken and/or recommendations for consideration.


Terms of Reference:

  • to contribute, in collaboration with the Executive Headteacher and staff, to establishing, monitoring and evaluating the Teaching and Learning section of the Strategic School Development Plan and to oversee any key issues relating to the curriculum delivery in line with guidance.
  • to keep relevant sections of the Self Evaluation Form under review and update as necessary.
  • to ensure that the whole school curriculum is broad and balanced; relevant to the needs of all children; provides continuity and progression; well resourced.  Promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society. Prepares such pupils to the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
  • to ensure that the National Curriculum and Development Matters EYFS is delivered and its assessment procedures are carried out in line with the legal framework.
  • to establish, monitor the impact of, and review the school’s Curriculum Statement and Map, Teaching and Learning Policy, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy and other curriculum related policies in line with the agreed cycle and make recommendations to the governing body for change as necessary.
  • to review the policy and provision for collective worship and RE in line with the locally agreed syllabus and make recommendations for change as necessary.  
  • to review the school’s provision for Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship taking account of non-statutory guidance.
  • to promote extra-curricular / enrichment activities.
  • to receive curriculum progress reports from the Executive Headteacher and others including analysis of the annual Raise On-Line report and information about non-statutory assessment and testing ion order to monitor, review and evaluate the standards of achievement, seek to make continuing improvements and inform target setting.
  • to ensure that statutory targets for pupil achievements are set and published as required.
  • to liaise with, consult with and provide information to parents and the wider community on matters relating to the curriculum as required.
  • Celebrate children’s achievements

We Would Love To Hear From You!

C of E Primary School

Tushingham, Cheshire, SY13 4QS

Mrs L Devaney

01948 820360


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