School Uniform
School Uniform
Our uniform consists of:
- a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo (which can be purchased from School Shop Direct
- a royal blue polo-shirt (available with school logo)
- dark grey trousers, shorts (for warm weather), skirt or blue and white checked pinafore dress, grey socks or tights.
- black outdoor school shoes (trainers are not suitable)
To manage costs of uniform, we ask that if possible, at least the cardigan or sweatshirt has the school logo. Other items do not need to be branded.
Jewellery is restricted to stud ear-rings and a sensible wrist watch.
No make up or fake nails are to be worn.
All uniform should be clearly labelled with children’s names.
Our PE uniform consists of :
- a plain yellow T-shirt with school logo (which can be purchased from School Shop Direct
- a pair of royal blue shorts
Children also need trainers for outdoor PE sessions and a black sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms/leggings for cold weather. In the interest of safety, no jewellery is permitted during PE sessions. If stud earrings cannot be taken out, they must be covered with tape for safety. All PE kit should be clearly labelled with children’s names.
During Covid, wearing PE kit all day was introduced. It had many benefits, one of which is no lost learning time. Another consideration is uniform cost. We have therefore continued wearing PE kit all day on PE days.
School Uniform Orders
All branded school uniform can be purchased from School Shop Direct inc. Whitchurch Sports, 9 Bredwood Arcade, Whitchurch, Shropshire SY13 1AF
Telephone number: 01948 838747
Book bags and PE bags can be purchased from school spider and collected from the School Office.
School collects items of second hand uniform - please send any you have into school. These will be sold by the Friends of Tushingham via the pre-loved website Pre Loved Uniform | Friends of Tushingham.
Order online and pick up your order from the school office.