Class 3 2024 - 2025

Miss Smalls

Mrs Latham

Welcome to Class 3

Teachers: Miss Smalls and Mrs Latham       Teaching Assistants: Mrs Richards and Miss Ricahards 


Class 3

In Class 3, we support and encourage the children to be hard working, enthusiastic, positive, determined and most of all happy. We aim to build on their Key Stage One experiences by developing more independence, encouraging the children to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. We like to create a learning environment that is fun and interactive, which engages and motivates the children helping them to make good progress. We provide plenty of opportunities for the children to express themselves, share any worries or concerns and build resilience all within a safe, secure, and caring environment.



Our P.E. days this year are Wednesday and Thursday. P.E will mainly take place outside, so please make sure children have appropriate clothing and shoes. Please be mindful that sessions can take place on the field, so clothing can get wet/muddy. Long hair must be tied up and no jewellery is to be worn during the session.


Forest Schools

Please see the school calendar for class 3 forest school dates. 

All sessions take place outside, so please ensure children come appropriately dressed for the weather conditions on that day, for example, sun cream and sun hats or wellies and waterproofs. The activities can sometimes cause the clothes/shoes to get wet and muddy, so please ensure old shoes and clothing is worn. 



Homework will be set on a Friday afternoon and will need to be completed by the following Friday morning, if not before.

The weekly homework can consist of the following:

  • Spelling activities on Reading Eggspress (online)
  • Mathletics activities (online)
  • Times tables practise
  • Reading Eggspress comprehension sessions (online)
  • Regular reading to an adult

However, they may also receive other pieces to support with their leaning in class.

The children all have copies of their logins for Mathletics and Reading Eggspress (they are the same as last year). However, if the children should forget or lose any of their login details, then they can access them on a clip board in the classroom.

To develop active engagement and enthusiasm for vocabulary and spelling, key stage two children will now be asked to carry out activities, which will support their spelling in different ways. This work will relate as closely as possible to what has been covered during our spelling sessions in school each week. The spelling activities will be set as assignments on Reading Eggspress. The children just need to login and complete the assignment which they have been set for that week.

The children can also use Reading Eggspress to complete reading comprehensions which are based on their reading ability, which is set after their completion of the placement test.  They can then work their way through the reading scheme available online.  

The Mathletics activities will relate to the work we have been covering in class each week. The children will see the activities they have been set when they log on to their Mathletics account.

The children will complete regular times table test in school, based on the tables they have been practising for homework. Please find some useful website links below where children can practise their times tables. This work will help to prepare the children for the times table check which will take place in the summer term.   

As well as completing sessions on Reading Eggspress, the children should also be reading 5 times a week to an adult at home. It is excellent practise for the children to read out loud, as this helps to improve fluency, expression and pace. Reading books can be selected from the class library or children can choose their own book from home. Please ensure a comment is made in the reading record each time they read. These should be brought into school every Friday, so we can check participation and progress.


Things to remember:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday  - Miss Smalls teaching

Tuesday and Friday - Mrs Latham teaching 

Tuesday AM - Miss Smalls PPA time (planning preparation and assessment time)

Tuesday PM - Miss Smalls Management time

Wednesday – PE kit 

Thursday – PE kit

Friday – Homework handed in

              Online homework tasks completed 

              Reading records handed in

              New homework activities set


Please ensure your child's uniform, including coats and the sweatshirts or hoodies which they wear on PE days, are labelled with names. 


How to help your child at home.



The following websites provide SPAG activities, games and videos. We hope you and your child find them useful.


KS2 bitesize revision:


Grammar videos:


Terminology & games: - 20 Key Stage 2 Literacy interactive teaching resources for Primary Schools.

English educational kids games and activities. Teach your child, spelling, sentences, verbs, collective nouns, compound words, singular to plural, story sequencing, alphabetical order, and grammar with these English learning games.



Helpful links to develop and consolidate maths learning:

Woodlands Junior -  is an excellent site with games and challenges in maths. - great websites for online interactive times table games.  - has a huge selection of games which have been split up into all the different sections of maths, making it incredibly easy to pick the area you would like to practise. - This website has all year groups and within each year group has the maths broken down into the different sections. It helps children master essential skills at their own pace through fun and interactive questions, built in support and motivating awards. - maths quizzes - Corbett Maths - Maths videos, activities and answers for all areas of KS2 mathematics. - maths activities - money activities. These games, videos and interactive activities could turn you into a money genius in no time!


Other subjects:


See the attached link below for some really helpful videos from White Rose Maths which will explain the teaching methods used in school for place value, subtraction, multiplication and division.  These parents guides are really useful for understanding how to help your children with their maths homework.


Times tables

Year 4 children will complete a multiplication check later in the school year.  The Oxford Owl webpage below explains the check in detail and provides lots of hints and tips to help children develop rapid recall with multiplication and division facts.

The activity below exactly mirrors the check.





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