
The end of each year expectations for mathematics for each year group are in the attached document. The calculation methods we use in each year group are also attached so that you know the methods we use when supporting your children at home.


To build the children’s confidence and  ensure that they are fluent and have conceptual understanding of key mathematical concepts. Children know that it is a good thing to be challenged and to develop their resilience. To ensure children are able to reason and problem solve in a range of mathematical contexts within maths lessons and in other areas of the curriculum. To ensure children have a positive view of mathematics and understand the power and purpose of mathematics in everyday life.


Follow Intent Documents. Planning overviews used to support progression and awareness of National pitch for Mastery and Greater Depth. NCETM Assessment and DfE/NCETM Ready to progress materials included in these documents. Integrate a range of resources as appropriate including White Rose, NCETM, Nrich, Mathsticks. Fluency Grids. Fluency sessions used daily to reinforce key skills. Cross curricular links made.

Teachers plan opportunities for practical learning both in the classroom and in the outdoor environment. 

To enable children to calculate accurately and efficiently, both mentally and with pencil and paper, they are taught to draw on a range of calculation strategies (outlined in the calculation policy) and understanding of the required operations.   

Within a series of lessons, children are encouraged children to reason mathematically using the correct terminology, to judge whether their answers are reasonable and to use strategies to check them.

Challenge activities are set using Mathletics.

Tushingham endeavours to maintain the high profile of mathematics through:

  • its promotion of events such as ‘STEM Week’;
  • celebrating pupils’ achievements in maths;
  • Financial education workshops;
  • Online and in-person support for parents to improve their understanding of how we teach maths;
  • Practical workshops in EYFS.


Essential skills and knowledge are prioritised and children are able to move successfully into the next year group.

Children enjoy mathematics and access their learning at a level appropriate to their needs.

Resources are used effectively, including the Calculation policy which is implemented consistently.

Children understand the purpose of mathematics and can use their skills confidently in other subjects.

Numerical targets achieved.

Children achieve highly in the multiplication check, and at the end of the EYFS. Attainment at the end of KS2 is above the National Average.

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C of E Primary School

Tushingham, Cheshire, SY13 4QS

Mrs L Devaney

01948 820360

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