Mental Health
We use lots of different ways to promote positive mental health and create happy children at Tushingham.
Mental Health and Well Being Principles
At Tushingham we recognise that strong mental health is just as important as physical health. Our pupils will be taught self-care techniques including recognising and managing emotions, exercise, relaxation and how to build relationships through a rich and varied curriculum. We teach pupils about how they can help others with their mental health, in age-appropriate ways and times.
Promoting Well Being
School leaders prioritise well being for all by investing in high quality professional development and training for staff including:
- Mental Health First Aid Training
- A Senior Mental Health Lead
- Drawing and talking therapy
- Learning through the PSHE Association
- Winston’s Wish Bereavement training
- Creative Education training for all staff
The school’s curriculum for wellbeing is being strengthened through our participation in national and local strategies including:
- The Rainbow Flag award
- Young Leaders
- Our Way of Working
Whole School Learning
We aim to take a whole school approach to wellbeing through our culture and curriculum. For example:
- Policies in place to support mental health and wellbeing, including: attendance management, safeguarding and child protection and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE).
- Promoting children’s spiritual development through collective worship and the support of the Church.
- An active school council.
- The introduction of pupil well being ambassadors.
- Parents engaged and supported through our website, home school updates and communication with staff.
- Whole school awareness events to promote well being including Children’s Mental Health Week.
- Whole school mental health techniques taught and promoted to pupils including: Reflection, mindfulness/meditation, emotional regulation, circle times, relaxation and movement exercises such as yoga.
- PSHE lessons- using the PSHE Association programme which incorporates the DfE’s Relationships and Sex Education curriculum .
- Termly pupil voice discussions with the School Council and Well Being Ambassadors to give staff their feedback on all school matters, including mental health and well being.
- Happy Club run by the School Council and other children to offer wellbeing activities at lunchtimes.
- Worry boxes in all classrooms, designed to be appropriate to the age of the class.
- Spaces for all pupils to use for their mental health e.g. reflection areas in classrooms, wellbeing clubs in key stage 2 classrooms, our Happy Club benches behind the mobile classrooms.
Pupils in need of additional support
We are aware of risk factors that may indicate a pupil needs help and we know our children well which enables our staff to recognise changes in their behaviour and personality. Every child will be evaluated as an individual to guide our responses. We use our Mental Health and Wellbeing provision map to guide our responses. These may include:
- One to one and group work with trained school staff
- Identifying needs through discussion with family and the child and appropriate framework
- Referral to appropriate specialist support
Support for families
Even a short walk every day improves mental health. Try20 tips (
CWP Mental Health helpline 0800 145 6485. The helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages – including children and young people across Cheshire and Wirral. This website is an online platform helping you find mental health and wellbeing services in Cheshire. MyMind is a website for young people, parents, and professionals working with children & young people. Here you can find information on how to look after your mental health, how to access help and support, and details of support services in your local area. Year 6 students can access Kooth's free, safe and anonymous mental health and emotional well-being support, available for all 11-18 year olds in the Cheshire East & West. Kooth is self-referral and there are no waiting lists. It has already been paid for by NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group, therefore it is free at the point of use. Young people can access the safe and anonymous self-help tools service immediately; They can speak to trained counsellors and/or emotional well-being practitioners, within minutes.
Samaritans helpline: 116 123 to mental health support for a wide variety of situations.