Physical Education
At Tushingham Primary School, we aim to inspire all children to develop a love of physical activity and sport. We believe that curricular and extra-curricular sport plays a vital role in the development of children into active, well-rounded members of society. Through our physical education curriculum and our whole school values, we aim to nurture confident, resilient children who will strive for their personal best and have a deep-rooted understanding of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We believe that these skills can then be applied to wider life experiences, contributing to the development of the whole child.
As well as encouraging, developing and educating about healthy lifestyle choices, we also aim to provide our children with an opportunity to represent our school and compete against children from other schools and backgrounds in inter-school competitions.
To achieve this, we ensure that our curriculum is inclusive for all. We do not discriminate according to gender and all children are given equal opportunities to take part in sport. Our whole-class PE lessons are planned and designed to be accessible to all children at our school.
Our broad and well-balanced curriculum, includes competitive sport, team games, individual sports, and outdoor and adventurous activities. Our two year rolling programme and our PE progression document have been carefully designed to ensure children have an opportunity to progressively develop and build their skills through the school year and through each sport. Every two years, we hire an on-site swimming pool with specialist swimming instructors and our swimming provision is accessible for all children from nursery to year 6.
A full programme of inter-school competitions is arranged through our partnership with Bishop Heber High School and the Broxton Cluster of primary schools, giving our children a broad range of competitive sports to experience.
High quality teaching is supported through PE professional development sessions and we employ sports coaches to provide specialist coaching during PE lessons. The PE subject leader ensures that all equipment is suitable and regularly replaces and replenishes PE equipment and resources.
We are proud of the PE curriculum and sporting opportunities that we have on offer at Tushingham Primary School, which aim to inspire and motivate all children to become physically confident and know the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.
Our children are enthusiastic during PE lessons and extra-curricular sporting events. They thrive on working as a team to gain a result and they know and experience the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, both physically and mentally.
We strive hard to further develop children’s skills outside of the PE lessons and we give all children opportunities to take part in competitive events, either within teams or individually, ensuring that we remain competitive and inclusive. A huge impact of our new PE curriculum and our link with Bishop Heber High School is that we now have a strong uptake towards our competitive events, and as a result, we have been able to enter two teams to many competitions. More girls now also want to take part in our school tournaments. Children from year 1 to year 6 now represent the school in a wide variety of sporting events including multi-skills, football, athletics, rounders, hockey, tag rugby, swimming, cricket, basketball and netball.
Whilst taking part in sporting competitions, our children are proud to represent our school. Children activity celebrate and respect the success of others, as well as modestly celebrating their own successes. Our children show sportsmanship and dignity in victory or in defeat.
Many of our children also regularly take part in extra-curricular sports, and we ensure that we not only celebrate in-school achievements, but also promote, encourage and celebrate out-of-school sporting opportunities. This inspires other children to try new sports and keep active.
Having a swimming pool at our school, gave all children from nursery to year 6 an opportunity to take part in swimming lessons. The impact of this will be seen over time, but in 2022, 100% of our year 6 cohort could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25m, perform a range of strokes and perform safe self-rescue.
With the help of the sport premium funding, children’s confidence, skills and enjoyment of sports have been developed. Staff confidence has also increased as a direct result of the PE CPD sessions and our new planning and assessment tools, which ensures sustainability.
Our commitment to continually improving our PE provision at our school and our participation in inter-school competitions earned us gold award for the School Games Mark in July 2022.